Among the many limitations of technological progress is the inability to break down man-made substances without causing harm to the environment. This nonbiodegradable waste remains in our ecosystems for centuries and has a considerable effect on the quality of the environment in which it's found.
Beyond the space that it takes up in landfills, nonbiodegradable products inundate our coastlines and waterways, endangering marine biodiversity, the atmosphere, and human health.
Learn more about the impact of waste on the environment
Why Choose Biodegradable?
At the end of its life, a biodegradable product is likely to decompose without negative effects on the environment and within a short period of time in regard to human time if it finds itself in favourable conditions to break down naturally with the help of microorganisms.
In the best cases, the products biodegrade without leaving toxins in the soil. This is the case for those that are made of plants: they break down into carbon dioxide, water, and natural minerals and can therefore mix into the soil without damaging it with toxic residue. We prefer these over products requiring years to decompose.
Compostable or Biodegradable?
Compostable products are all biodegradable, but they are specifically meant for a compost environment. In this type of environment, the products decompose within about 90 days, leaving behind nutrient-rich organic material (humus), which creates healthy soil that's perfect for growing new plants.
The biodegradable tag isn't a reason to throw a product away.
Just like with recycling, it's essential to be well-informed and pay attention to how we manage our waste, whatever it may be!